1. Neurogen c Bladder Bladder control requires: intact sensation(full) motor function (start void) Cerebral control (timing)
2. Atonic, distended with overflow= acute spinal cord injury or sensory impaired
3. Motor defect = sense full bladder but can't start emptying
4. Autonomous = spinal cord injuries after acute; bladder fills & empties reflexively
5. Hydronephrosis dilation of renal pelvis, incr. pressure in urinary system w/ or w/o ureter dilation
6. Fanconi's Syndrome renal tubule defect; Urinary excretion of glucose, phos, AA; Tx: Vitamin D
7. Pyelonephritis & Pyelitis Pyelonephritis = dilation of renal parenchyma, pyelitis = dilation of renal pelvis; E. coli; Different from cystitis since there are WBC casts not just WBC's
8. Cystitis WBC in spun sample, E. coli, freq, urge, dysuria & suprapubic pain
9. Bladder Ca transitional cell CA; Risk factors = smoking, schistosomiasis, aniline dyes
10. Renal Artery Stenosis Cause of 2o HTN; Fibromuscular dysplasia (young women) Atherosclerosis (older)
11. Urolithiasis incr. Ca = Calcium stones; Struvite Stones = post UTI w/ urea splitting bact (proteus or pseudo) when urine basic MgNH4PO4 (struvite) stones ppt.
12. Uremic Syndrome Symptomatic renal failure = GFR< 20 ml/min; CNS chgs, asterixis (flapping tremor) pericarditis, N/V, yellow-brown skin (uremic frost) Normochromic, normocytic anemia due to decr. erythropoietin; incr. Phos & decr. Ca = renal osteodystrophy
13. Glomerulonephritis Hematuria, proteinuria, RBC casts: Post strep = give Antibiotics only if still strep +, steroids no help; Goodpastures- autoimmune, high dose steroids, uremia 3-9 mos.
14. Nephrotic Syndrome Proteinuria > 3g/day, Edema, hypoalbuminemia & hyperlipidemia (milky serum); minimal chg disease in kids; idiopathic Glomerulonephritis in adults
15. Acute Tubular Necrosis most common cause of acute renal failure; ischemia or toxins; resolves in several weeks may need dialysis
16. Polycystic Kidney Disease Auto dominant; multiple bilateral renal cysts; gross hematuria, proteinuria, pyuria, HTN, UTI's; asymptomatic until adult; 15% have associated subarachnoid hemorrhage
17. Alport's Syndrome X-linked, Type IV collage, deafness & renal failure in males
18. Wilm's Tumor nephroblastoma, kids < 4yrs commonly, hematuria, abd mass; resection & chemo
19. Renal CA adenocarcinoma; Triad: hematuria, abd mass & flank pain
20. Chronic Renal Failure >90% glomeruli destroyed; uremia incr. K, ßNa incr. phos, ßCa = renal osteodystrophy
21. Hypernatremia > 155 mEq/L; due to dehydration, CNS depression (neuronal shrinkage); Diabetes Insipidus= decr ADH = lots of dilute urine = dehydration = urine output incr.
22. Hyponatremia <135 mEq/L; pseudo if lipids are incr. incr. incr. high to displace polar Na; Osmotic = diabetes incr. Na 1.6 for 100 mg/dl glucose value is above 140.; SIADH, Central Pontine Myelinosis if corrected to fast
23. Hyperkalemia > 5.5 mEq/L; muscle weakness, cardiac arrhythmia, met acidosis, oliguria, K sparring diuretics
24. Hypokalaemia <3.5 mEq/L; muscle weakness, cardiac arrhythmias, resp failure, GI or renal loss
25. Urethritis GC (gram - rodds in WBC, + thayer martin culture); nonGC = chlamydial; coinfection, Ceftrixone for GC, Doxycycline for Chlamydia
26. Epididymitis Induration & tenderness of spermatic cord; support relieves pain
27. Torsion of the Testes adolescents, swelling & tenderness, superior displacement, support does not relieve pain, Emergent SURGERY
28. Hydrocele Painless lump, can be transilluminated; congenital process vaginalis remains in communication w/ abdomen = indirect inguinal hernias
29. Varicocele "bag of worms", assoc w/ infertility
30. Seminoma Painless lump; does not transilluminate, most common testicular neoplasm in men < 30; Undescended testes at greater risk even after surgical correction
31. Prostatitis Nonbacterial > bacterial (GI organisms); recurrent UTIs; Rectal - warm, tender, boggy prostate; Tx TMP/SMX
32. BPH Enlarged rubbery prostate on rectal; Urinary retention, a blockers; TURP, transrectal US more sensitive for Dx; PSA can be falsely elevated
33. Prostate Ca Firm, nodular irregular prostate, Bone mets; Alk Phos and PSA are incr.
34. Bacters Syndrome pre-auricular skin tag and kidney agenesis
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