Sunday, August 31, 2008


1. Hypothyroid Weight gain, Lethargy, Coarse hair & dry skin, irregular menses, cold intolerance, myxedema; Acquired = Hashimoto's; Congenital = cretinism, severe I deficiency = hoarse cry; resp distress, cyanosis, poor feeding, decr bone growth, ßT4 incr. TSH
2. Wolff Chaikoff effect = inhibition of thyroid hormone release due to high doses of I during thyroid scan

3. Hyperthyroid 1. GRAVES: most common, autoimmune, antibodies bind to TSH receptors; incr thyroid hormone, pretibial myxedema, Incr radio I uptake
4. 2. SUBACUTE THYROIDITIS: tender, enlarged, Decr Radio I uptake, Sed Rate up, maybe followed by period of hypothyroid
5. 3. SILENT LYMPHOCYTIC THYRODITIS: transient, postpartum, no pain or fever, Radio I uptake decr, lymphocytic infiltration, Tx Bblockers
6. 4. TOXIC ADENOMA: multinodular goiter; nodules function autonomously, Excess T3 & T4; Scan shows a few hot spots with cold background
7. 5. THYROTOXICOSIS FACTITIA: exogenous thyroid hormone, no goiter
8. 6. PLUMMERS : multinodular goiter, nodules become autonomous and secrete thyroxine

9. Sick Euthyroid acutely ill patients; T3&T4 decr due to chgs in hormone metabolism; TSH not decreased => not truly hypothyroid

10. Thyroid CA Papillary = most common, best prognosis, Follicular = older, hematogenous spread to bone, lung, brain, liver; Anaplastic = worse prognosis, local invasion, hoarse & dysphagia; Medullary= Calcitonin producing Cells, MEN Type II(parafollicularC cells)

11. Diabetes Dx: elevated random glucose sx, fasting BS > 140 x 2 days; Oral challenge >200 after 2 hrs; Type I: alpha islet cells, HLADR3, HLADR4, HLADQ, ketoacidosis
12. Type II: insulin resistance; no HLA association, endogenous production enough so no ketoacidosis but do get hyperosmolar coma(dehydrated, glucose 600-2000

13. Parathyroid Hormone incr. Ca mobilization from bones, incr. Vit D production decr. phos reabsorption in distal tubules = decr. serum phos.

14. Hypoparathyroidism ßPTH, ßCa, incr. Phos, Tingling, tetany, Chvostek's sign (tap on face & get muscle spasm) ; Trousseau's Sign (BP cuff up 3min => carpal tunnel sx; decr. Mg in alcoholics can lead to decr. Ca due to ßPTH secretions

15. Hyperparathyroid Bones, stones, abd. Groans and psychic moans; 1o = excess PTH; 80% benign adenoma; 2o due to decr. serum Ca=> vit D defic, renal tube prob and Ca loss

16. Diabetes Insipidus Lack of ADH, polyuria and polydypsia

17. Kallman's Syndrome Male, anosmic, small testicles, azospermic d/t head trauma; decr. FSH & LH, no GNRH

18. SIADH Excess ADH, Tumor, trauma, pulm disease, drugs; Hypoatremia, Conc. urine;

19. Acromegaly Excess GH; bone & tissue enlargement; glucose intolerance, osteoarthritis

20. Addison's Disease Decreased cortisol (aldosterone) Wt loss, fatigue, skin pigmentation, eosinophilia; Decr aldosterone, decr Na, incr K; Give ACTH if cortisol doesn't increase Dx made

21. Cushing's Syndrome Incr cortisol, Buffalo hump, moon facies, central obesity, Osteoporosis, #1 Cushing disease due to pit. Adenoma, #2 Ectopic- ACTH from lung tumor, #3 Adrenal Cortical tumor- incr. cortisol, ACTH suppressible, cortisol not #4 Chronic glucocorticoid Tx

22. Waterhouse Friedrickson Syndrome hemorrhagic infarct of adrenals, assoc w/ meningococcemia

23. Pheochromocytoma Episodic HTN, Dx by urinary catecholamines

24. Familial Hypercholesterolemia Autosomal dominant, Xanthomas (lipid on tendons) Xanthelasmas (lipids on eyelids) MI's in 40's, Homozygous usually has incr. total cholesterol

25. Familial Hypertriglyceridemia Trig incr. , LDL normal, Autosomal dominant, Pancreatitis, milky serum

26. Familial Combined Hyperlipidemia Auto dominant, incr. trig and cholesterol; no xanthomas

27. Familial Dysbetalipo-proteinemia rare, problem with lipoproetin catabolism; palmar or tuberous xanthomas, incr. risk periph vasc disease & CAD, Abn VLDL, cholesterol & triglycerides

28. MEN I Parathyroid , pituitary & Pancreatic tumors

29. MEN II Pheochromocytoma, Parathyroid & medullary thyroid tumors

30. Hemochromatosis Auto recessive, incr. GI absorption of Fe; Excessive Fe, incr. Ferritin, incr. Transferrin saturation, cirrhosis, diabetes, bronze skin

31. Wilson's Disease Auto recessive, excessive Cu accumulation, ataxia & dementia, Kayser Fleisher rings on cornea

32. Hyperaldosteronism Aldosterone works on distal renal tubule to facilitate incr. Na retention and incr. K loss
33. excretion due to decr. Na, decr. BP (renin angio), incr. K
34. 1o Conn's Syndrome = adrenal hyperplasia, adrenal adenoma Tx: spironolactone
35. 2o incr. renin angiotensin system activity => decr. BP

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