Sunday, August 31, 2008


1. Contraindications to BP meds Asthma/COPD = Bblockers, DM = Thiazides & Bblockers, Cardiac Failure = Bblockers & Ca Channel Blockers; Pregnancy = Thiazides & ACE

2. Rheumatic Fever post strep infection, migratory arthritis, endocardits, subcutaneous nodules on extensor surface, chorea, erythema marginatum, incr. Sed, WBC & ASO

3. ASD L=>R; Wide split & fixed S2; patent foramen ovale

4. VSD L=>R; pansystolic murmur left sternal border, thrill; most common defect; Eisenmenger's Syndrome = shunt direction reversed due to incr. pulm vasc resistance

5. Patent Ductus Arterio L=> R; Continuous machinery murmur; Indomethacin inject may close

6. Tetralogy of Fallot VSD, RVH, Pulmonic Stenosis, Overriding Aorta

7. Pulmonic Stenosis R=>L, Early systolic click, High pitched systolic ejection murmur, soft or absent S2

8. Coarction of the Aorta HTN arms but not legs, murmur heard on back, X-ray scalloping of ribs,

9. Bacterial Endocarditis Acute: S.aureus, Group A strep, N Gonh., Sub acute: Strep Viridans; New heart murmurs, petechia over incr. half of body, Splinter hemorrhages on fingernails, Osler's Nodules (nodules on fingertips) Roth's Spots (retinal hemorrhages)

10. Noninfective Endocarditis Libman Sacks Disease associated with SLE

11. Aortic Aneurysm Abdominal = pulsatile mass on exam, atherosclerosis, smoking HTN >4 cm = surgery Thoracic =Marfan's & syphilis >7c = surgery; Dissecting =split between medial & adventitial layers "ripping in chest" Normal EKG vs abnormal in MI

12. Peripheral Vascular Disease Weak pulses, Atrophic skin, Little Hair growth, Nonhealing ulcers, intermittent claudication 5P's = pallor, pain, pulseless, parathesia, paralysis

13. Raynaud's Phenomenon Pallor, cyanosis, erythema of fingers, most are idiopathic, others related to collagen vascular disease Tx vasodialators

14. Heart Dysfunction Diastolic = difficulty filling ventricles; Systolic = problem ejecting blood from ventricle

15. Polyarteritis Nodosa inflamed medium arteries->ischemia in tissues; men 3x> women, usually 40-50; Dx confirmed by biopsy or angiography showing aneurysm of medium arteries

16. Giant Cell Arteritis Temporal Arteritis; women >50; severe temporal or occipital HA, Amaurosis Fugax (temp blindness 1 eye) Temporal artery swollen & tender, Dx confirmed by biopsy

17. Cor Pulmonale COPD most common cause; Dyspnea & syncope on exertion, S/Sx Rt heart failure

18. Mitral Stenosis Mitral facies = red rash on cheekbones, Loud S1 and opening snap after S2; Right heart failure TX with diuretics; LAH=>Pulm HTN=>RVH Bblockers & Ca Channel Blockers to decr. HR & preload; Progressive Dyspnea

19. Mitral Regurge Midsystolic click; Harsh blowing holosystolic murmur; MVP; LAH & LVH; wide S2 that widens more with inspiration; Bblockers for Sx Valve replacement

20. Aortic Stenosis Triad = Angina, Syncope & Dyspnea on exertion; Cong bicuspid valve, weak long pulse, LVH T wave invesions; Left sided failure; Bblockers decr. HR & incr. coronary flow

21. Aortic Regurge Decrescendo murmur, widened pulse pressure, "Water Hammer Pulse" (rapid up & down stroke); "Pistol Shot over femoral Artery; 2o Austin Flint murmur= diastolic murmur as blood goes thru AV to hit MV. Kids = cong VSD w/ MVP

22. Supraventricular Tachycardia Sudden attacks due to reentry rhythm, P on T on EKG; #1 AV Nodal Reentry #2 Wolff Parkinson White = reentry thru accessory muscle bundle, can cause V fib in a Pt with Afib; Torsades De Point is drug induced

23. Left Sided Failure Dyspnea, Orthopnea, Paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea, LVH

24. Right Sided Failure Most common cause is Left sided failure; Neck vein distention, Liver big, Edema

25. MI ST elevation, T wave inversion; CPK-MB 12 - 40 hr for peak; LDH peaks 3-6 days

26. Congestive Cardiomyopathy Alcohol = chronic; Infection Coxsackie B or Trypanosoma cruzi (Chagas Disease)

27. Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy Cong or acquired VH with normal afterload; incr. venous pressure, JVD, ascites, edema, edema, pleural effusion, S4 on exam

28. Chronic Pericardtis Causes right sided failure; Kussmaul's Sign ( incr. neck vein distention on exertion) Dyspnea on exertion and Orthopnea; pulsus paradoxus; Surg removal of pericardium is curative.

29. Pericardial Effusion Friction rub, distant heart sounds, "water bottle" on x-ray; acute pericarditis = exudate; neoplasm or fibrosis =transudate; symmetrically enlarged cardiac silhouette

30. Cardiac Tamponade Pulsus paradoxus, Kussmauls Absent; pericardial fluid compresses heart, Becks Triad = Hypotension, (ß decr. pulse pressure), JVD, Muffled heart signs

31. Heart Murmurs AI: precordium, early diastolic, >S2, + heave; AS: 2nd R ICS & radiates to carotids, harsh, < S2; Diastolic = r/o malignancy, check BP both arms; MR: Apex radiates to axilla, + heave, assoc w/ sever anterior MI, endocarditis prophylaxisis; MS: Apex, late diastolic, opening snap after S2; MVP: Apex, blowing, holosystolic, incr. w/ valsalva; PR: 2nd L ICS, pulm HTN, clubbing, PE; PS: harsh; TR: 4th L ICS, incr. loud w/ inspiration; bounding JVD, pulsatile liver; VSD: loud holoystolic, assoc w/ Down's

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